Painting Without The Problems

Painting Without The Problems

Painting An Old-Fashioned Bathroom To Make It More Modern

27 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you just bought a home with an old-fashioned bathroom that you hate, make sure to strip down the original colors, visit a paint store, and buy new colors that meet your more modern taste. This simple process can allow you to create the modern bathroom that your home deserves. White Paint Has A Modern Touch Some colors go in and out of style rather quickly. For example, neon colors were popular during lengthy portions of the 70s and the 80s.
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A Guide To Exterior Painting

27 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you're looking to give your home or business a fun and effective facelift, look no further than the exterior paint. An exterior paint job is one of the cheapest remodels, but it also has a very big impact on how your home looks. This is particularly true if you live in a tract home community where all the homes are painted the exact same color. You can make your property stand out with a smartly chosen color.
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3 Tips For Getting Consistent Color When Painting The Inside Of Your Home

26 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

With interior home painting, you want to make sure that the color that you paint each room is consistent throughout the space. You don't want to end up with streaks or walls where the color is slightly off from the other walls. Mix Your Paint Together If you need to purchase a couple of gallons of the same paint color to tackle your indoor painting project, mix them together. Get a five-gallon bucket, and pour all of the one gallon or quart paint containers into the five-gallon bucket.
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Post-Painting Life: What To Know About That New Paint Coat

23 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Getting the interior of your house painted can be quite nice, but it can take some time. It's also not a slap-it-on-and-go type of job. When you get new interior paint, you've got a series of steps to go through, both business-wise and paint-wise, before you have a truly finished new paint job. Luckily, though, the steps are easy to complete. Different Warranties Apply One step is to become very familiar with the warranty on the paint.
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About Me
Painting Without The Problems

I have always been one of those people who likes to take on home repairs by theirselves, but unfortunately, I didn't quite understand what I was up against when it came to repainting my interior. I quickly realized that the job was more difficult than I was prepared to handle, and I was having trouble figuring out how to streamline the process. I began focusing on working with a professional, and within no time a painter came out to help. After the job was professionally handled, it was amazing to see how quickly it progressed. Check out this fun website to learn more about painting.
