A Look At Common Problems With DIY Interior Painting

A Look At Common Problems With DIY Interior Painting

A Look At Common Problems With DIY Interior Painting

5 February 2018
, Blog

You have an eye for a new coat of color in your kitchen, hallway, or bathroom, so you make the plans to tackle a painting project on your own. Of all of the different ways to remodel a home's interior, painting is often touted as being the simplest. While interior painting is far less complicated than changing the floor or installing new walls, painting is still harder than you would expect. This is why it is always best to trust a professional painter from the get-go. Here is a look at a few of the most common problems homeowners tend to run into with a DIY painting job inside of their home. 

It's a lot more difficult to pick the right kind of paint than many homeowners expect. 

Walk into a paint aisle in any store and you will feel a bit overwhelmed with all of the different choices of paint. There are many types of paint that are labeled for interior use, but even still, these can all be of different bases. For example, you will find some paints that are oil-based, others that are water-based, and some that are dubbed as being semi-gloss or low-gloss. The type of paint you pick should depend on where the paint is being used and what type of paint you will be covering up, which can be complicated when you have no professional knowledge.

If you pick the wrong type of paint, you can end up with a lot of issues, including:

  • Paint that will not adhere to an old painted surface
  • Old paint colors showing through the new paint
  • Paint that peels and chips easily even after it is dried

Even if you do not pay a professional to paint your home for you, it is best to ask for guidance when selecting the right types of paint. 

Interior painting is a much messier job than most homeowners expect. 

Before you begin the process of painting, it is critical that all trim be taped off for protection, all furniture be removed from the space, and all flooring be protected with plastic. If not, you could end up with paint splatters on your belongings and other home features that are nearly impossible to remove. 

When you hire a professional painter, they will spend the majority of their time preparing for the project at hand before they even open a gallon of paint to get started. the fact of the matter is, all of this prep work is often much more work than someone inexperience expects. For more information, contact companies like Integrity Painting, Inc.

About Me
Painting Without The Problems

I have always been one of those people who likes to take on home repairs by theirselves, but unfortunately, I didn't quite understand what I was up against when it came to repainting my interior. I quickly realized that the job was more difficult than I was prepared to handle, and I was having trouble figuring out how to streamline the process. I began focusing on working with a professional, and within no time a painter came out to help. After the job was professionally handled, it was amazing to see how quickly it progressed. Check out this fun website to learn more about painting.
